Riding PWPSD Buses
School Bus Rider Rules
Passengers are to be at the bus stop 5 minutes before their designated pick-up time.
Passengers are to go directly to the seat assigned to them and remain seated while the bus is in motion.
Passengers must wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding or leaving the seat to unload.
Written permission from a parent/school is required before a passenger can be dropped off at another stop.
Passengers must not to put arms, hands or heads out the window or throw anything out the windows.
Passengers shall not participate in loud or noisy behaviour or interfere with the comfort of other passengers. Quiet conversation will be permitted. Profanity and verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.
The driver is in full charge of the bus and his/her directions must be obeyed.
The driver will report any misconduct to the principal of the school concerned.
The driver may assign specific seats to students at any time.
While the bus is in motion, students must not extend parts of their bodies out of the windows, try to get on or off the bus, or move about within it.
Students must not throw paper or other material on the floor or out of the bus windows.
While on the bus, students must conduct themselves in a quiet and courteous manner, showing consideration for the comfort and safety of others.
Scuffling, fighting, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, using drugs, and using obscene language on the bus are prohibited.
Lunching on the bus is at the driver's discretion.
Students causing willful damage to the bus will be held fully accountable.
When leaving the bus, students must observe the bus driver's instructions. They should not cross the road without having a clear view in all directions.
In extreme cold or inclement weather, or under hazardous road conditions, students must be properly dressed. Parents must also arrange for alternate shelter and care if necessary.
Safety of students required to ride on school buses shall not be placed at risk by requiring operation of school buses or other transportation during extreme inclement weather or under hazardous road conditions. The responsibility for the safety of children who are required to travel on school buses or other school-provided transportation is of necessity shared by the board, its staff, bus drivers and parents. School system staff and bus operators shall exercise their responsibilities in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board.
All students must be seated when the bus is moving.
No photography, audio or video recording on the bus.
Board Policy: Student Apparel During Winter Months
Due to our insurance policy requirements, students riding on Board buses must comply with the following policy regarding winter dress:
"All students riding on school buses during the winter months shall be required to wear winter footwear and outerwear and to carry with them winter headwear and gloves or mitts, effective November 1 to March 31. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children comply with this requirement."
Responsibilities of Parents and/or Guardians
Parents will obviously play the key role in influencing their children In all aspects of safety, at home, at play, and going to and from school. This is particularly true of younger children. Parents can promote school bus safety in the following ways:
- Go over with and discuss with your children the contents of this booklet, particularly the responsibilities of the students.
- Provide extra help and guidance during the first several weeks of school, especially for grade one and two students. The children must have a good understanding of the location of bus stops; behaviour while waiting for buses, as well as on board; what to do when buses are late, etc. Safety is of utmost importance and should be emphasized by the parents.
- Report any obvious and significant safety problems to the Director of Transportation giving specific details as to bus number, date, time, place, etc.
- Remind children that even though all vehicles are required by law to stop when flashers are in operation on a school bus, vehicle drivers are sometimes negligent or careless and do not stop when they should, therefore, children should proceed across the road with the utmost caution.
- Promote an awareness in other drivers that it is a traffic offence to pass IN EITHER DIRECTION a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing.
School Bus Service
- Students should be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the normal pickup time.
- Parents having problems concerning bus routes or pickup points should first contact the bus driver. If the matter can not be resolved with the driver, it should be referred to the Director of Transportation of the School Board.
- Parents are responsible for students until they board the school bus.
- Parents will be responsible for willful damages to school buses caused by their children.
- When the bus transportation privileges of a student are suspended, under the provisions of School Board policy, school attendance is still mandatory and the parents must make their own alternative arrangements. Transportation Assistance Allowance will not be paid in those circumstances.
- Be aware of Board Policy relating to general suspension of transportation services through emergencies, such as inclement weather.
- Provide written note or phone call to the driver if your child is to return home by any other route than normal, or is not to ride the bus home at all.
Permitted Items on School Buses
Only items required for curriculum are to be transported on PWPSD school buses.
- Lunch containers and books: Children take care of their own.
- Skates: Blades must be properly covered and placed on the floor at the student's feet.
- Hockey sticks and curling brooms: Placed under the seat.
- Musical instruments: Small instruments may be held by the children. Large instruments to be left in an empty seat, and not on the floor by the driver.
Nothing is allowed in the aisles. No firearms or live animals are permitted on a school bus. Permission to transport anything not mentioned above must be obtained from the Director of Transportation.
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