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Parent Resources

Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) views parents as the key influence in a child's life, and welcomes their involvement in our schools. Our excellent, caring teachers and support staff work with parents to help each child make the most of their educational experience. We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions on how this page could better meet your needs, please contact us at (780) 532-8133.

PWPSD Parent Assurance Survey

The PWPSD Parent Assurance Survey asks for input based on the Division's priority areas, which helps guide the Division in ensuring high quality student learning, equity in education, and school community wellness. The survey does not collect any personal information and is completely anonymous.
Each spring, results from the Division Assurance Surveys, along with student achievement data, are used to update Division and School 3-Year Assurance Plans. These plans identify the priorities, outcomes, and strategies used to achieve our goals. The PWPSD Parent Assurance Survey allow a greater level of engagement, target the Division's three priority areas, and provide data that is used to assess progress and guide planning to support continuous improvement.
The 2024 PWPSD Parent Assurance Survey closed on May 7.
If you have any questions, or would like to see your school's survey results, please reach out to your school.
PWPSD would not be what it is today without the hard work and dedication from its teachers. Parents, teacher-colleagues, principals, superintendents and all Albertans are encouraged to show appreciation by nominating an outstanding teacher or principal for an Award for Teaching Excellence
There are a variety of websites with information on how to help your child with homework. Here are just a few:
Discovery Homework Help
Homework Spot
Homework Centre
PWPSD Indigenous Educations Services functions to support the positive experiences and success of Indigenous students, while advancing Truth and Reconciliation in education for all students and staff.
Be Prepared!
Know the five main PWPSD emergency response protocols.
Internet Awareness
Sometimes, the sheer volume of media and pop culture influences in our kids' lives can seem overwhelming. Use the resources shared on this website to learn how to talk to your kids about media, gain control of the home entertainment playground, and speak out as a consumer.
Healthy Relationships and Sexual Health Education Websites
Alberta Education-supported parent online resources
Curriculum Summary by Grade - This website provides up-to-date information and resources that can help you help your kids make healthy sexual/relationship decisions.
myBlueprint is a website for parents to support their child's career path. It offers different supports based on your child's grade.
myPass is an Alberta Education self-service website that allows students to view and print Diploma Exam results. For instructions on how to use the website, click here.
My Child's Learning is your doorway into your child's world of learning. This resource will provide you with a better understanding of Alberta's curriculum - how your child is assessed and the resources to help them be successful from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Registration is not deemed complete until it has been approved by PWPSD's Central Registrar. Families that are unable to upload the requested scanned copy of their child's birth certificate must bring it to the school office. Other documents, such as proof of residency and custody information may also be required by the school office. If you are new to the system, where possible provide the school with transcripts or latest report card.
Through school councils, Albertans assume an advisory role in education matters ranging from academic programs to school policies and budgeting. For more information about PWPSD school councils visit our School Councils webpage.
PWPSD offers basic School Premises Coverage for all students during school days. This coverage will help cover some of the possibly incurred costs in the event that your child is injured at school during school days, including during field trips and when traveling directly to and from home and school.
For more details on these benefits, please read the Blanket Student Accident Insurance Plan Brochure below. The insurance provider is Industrial Alliance Insurance.
You may also call 1-800-266-5667 for additional information about the policy, or 1-800-556-7411 for assistance with or information about making a claim.
Please include original receipts when submitting your claim. Prior to submitting your claim, make copies of all documents and store them in your personal files.

When submitting a claim for ambulance coverage, complete ONLY the top portion of the form. Do not complete the Attending Physician’s Statement portion of the form. Instead, attach a copy of the Hospital Discharge Report.

On the form, enter the name of the School Division as ‘Peace Wapiti School Division’ and include Policy Number 100012511. This information is also found in the Blanket Student Accident Insurance Plan Brochure.
Under the Education Act - Part 3, students are held accountable for their behaviour, and much of what is laid out in Board policies and practices is built around this section: Education Act - Part 3 - Responsibilities and Dispute Resolution (pg. 38).