PWPSD schools ready to honour National Indigenous Peoples Day

Students and staff at Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) are getting ready to honour National Indigenous Peoples Day on Wednesday. National Indigenous Peoples Day, celebrated annually on June 21, is a day for Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contribution to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.

Students throughout PWPSD are set to participate in a number of activities including Indigenous games and art projects, and have the chance to enjoy some delicious food.



Activities Planned

Beaverlodge Elementary School

Students will begin their day with a Land Acknowledgement and will hear O Canada sung in Cree. Individual classes have various activities planned to honour and teach about National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Bonanza School

On June 14, students participated in Culture Camps with the PWPSD Indigenous Education Services team, and to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day and to continue their learning, students will enjoy unique activities with their classmates on June 21.

Clairmont Community School

On June 21, presenters Vanessa and Clinton Soto will visit the school for a day of dancing and drumming. Students and staff will continue the day with hand games, bannock and oral storytelling with rocks.

Eaglesham School

Students will participate in a Story Walk.

Elmworth School

All students will gather for a Land Acknowledgement and O Canada in Cree before enjoying a presentation and Story Walk in the afternoon.

Harry Balfour School

Throughout June, students have been participating in Indigenous BINGO! Classes with five in a row will be entered into a draw for a pizza lunch on Thursday, June 22.

On Tuesday, June 20, students will gather to watch a dance performance and on Wednesday, June 21, classes will spend time learning about Indigenous history and culture through activities and food.

Helen E. Taylor School &

Wembley Elementary School

Students from both schools will gather at Helen E. Taylor School to enjoy Indigenous drumming and dancing. Parents and community members are welcome to join.

Hythe Regional School

Indigenous activities will take place all day with special performances from the Hythe Regional School Junior Jiggers and other performers. A complimentary beef stew lunch will be provided to all students and staff.

La Glace School

On June 15, the PWPSD Indigenous Education Services team visited La Glace School to lead the students in Indigenous games and learning.

Indigenous games will be played during the school-wide Play Day on Wednesday, June 21.

Penson School

Students will participate in classroom-based activities before gathering for a fun afternoon of Indigenous games, crafts, and stories.

Ridgevalley School

Students and staff will begin the day with O Canada in Cree and then enjoy a day of individual classroom activities and a Story Walk.

Rycroft School

Students will enjoy a stew and bannock lunch.

Sexsmith Secondary School

Students will participate in a Land Acknowledgement and will hear O Canada in Cree. The Indigenous space in the library has been updated, and the Treaty 8 flag will fly outside the school for the special day.

Teepee Creek School

Students will enjoy Indigenous games and a school barbeque.

Whispering Ridge Community School

Students will participate in a fun-filled day with a Land Acknowledgement, O Canada in Cree, freshly made bannock, Indigenous games, and different craft stations.

Throughout the month of June, PWPSD’s Indigenous Education Services team has been hosting Culture Camps for schools throughout the division. The Culture Camps teach students about drumming, plants as medicine, and traditional games.
